martes, 11 de noviembre de 2008

Super show!!!

Aste bete oso igaro da azken aldiz gu paronoideok gure paranoietan murgildu eta bloga berritu ez dugunetik. Baina, hementxe gatoz iñoiz baino paranoia handiagoekin!

Azken klasean show the Truman pelikula ikusi genuen, ikusi dugun paranoiarik paranoiena izan den, oso pelikula interesgarria eta bolg hau bisitatzen duen edonori gomendatzen diogu! Gainera, negua iristear dugun honetan, euri eta haizea lagun ditugularik plan ezin hobea iruditzen zaigu palomita batzuk erosi, eta etxean manta batekin goxo- goxo gaudelarik pelikula hau ikustea.

Aurreko asteetan zehar teknologia buruzko lana egiteko elkartu egin ginen eta topaketa hauetako batean honako galdera hau etorri zitzaigun burura: Zer da paranoiko izatea? Galdera horren harira, honako definizio hau bilatu genuen Interneten:

"Paranoia is a very serious, crippling mental illness. There are many misconceptions about it. Paranoid people tend to become very isolated socially. They are not well understood by the average lay person.

Paranoia as a term has to be carefully defined since it can refer to both a symptom and a disease. As a symptom, paranoia can appear as a result of drug intoxication (especially cocaine, marijuana and LSD) , schizophrenia, shizoaffective disorder, Depression and Delusional Disorder. It is a pervasive and insistent mistrust of others that culminates in profound anxiety and fear.

As a disease, it is the core of Paranoid Psychosis, Paranoid schizophrenia and Paranoid personality disorder. The people who suffer these diseases may present with the symptom component at any given moment or not. That is, they may feel mistrustful and anxious or not. These diseases, then, are defined by the presence of delusions (beliefs) of persecution with or without grandeur that do not respond to evidence against them. Persons possessing this trait are likely also people who hallucinate visually or auditorily".

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

You'll see in the 2nd semester, that will be a real paranoia

zurinamets dijo...

Zuena bai paranoia!!!